A brand coach is someone who is there to hold your hand as you work on creating and developing your own brand. Sure you can jog along without thinking too much about it, or even do it yourself, but why would you not want to save your precious time, effort and money by getting it done right, faster and easier?

Ultimately your brand is very personal to you and your business. It starts with what you want from the business and then you build from there. Only you can answer the questions about your wants and needs, both financially and emotionally, spiritually etc.

Hold on! Spirituality and brand… are you serious!?

Yes! So many women get so caught up in trying to get their business off the ground, or on to the next rung of the ladder, that they forget that it is meant to be giving them the life of their dreams. Most women I work with run their businesses because they want:

  • Better quality of life doing a job they love
  • To be able to fit work around family/life
  • Better work/life balance
  • Control of their time
  • To help others

And a big chunk of the above wish list is about being in balance and your emotional/spiritual happiness has a big part to play in this. It is not about religious tenancies, it’s about giving you the quality of life you desire and deserve.

So, a brand coach helps you with this personal side of your brand journey:

  • What do I want
  • What are my values
  • What are my goals

And also the nitty gritty business stuff too:

  • Who is my Perfect Client
  • What is my message
  • What are my brand guidelines
  • What is my promotional strategy
  • etc

Having a coach for your brand is much like having a personal trainer at the gym; you know that you could go to the gym for an hour 4 times a week and you’ll get fitter, but if you were to have 4 x 1 hour personal training sessions a week over the same time period that you’re going to see some serious results and you’ll achieve your fitness goals much faster.

Coaching still gets pretty interesting responses when you speak to people. Many people just don’t understand it at all, others feel it’s a bit of a ‘luxury’ and not an essential part of running a business. I even admit to feeling the same way about 8 years ago! Then I did my NLP Practitioner training (find out more about me here) and dived head first into working on my own personal development and it was like a light bulb switching on – why hadn’t I done this sooner!?

I now walk my talk and I wouldn’t be without a coach. Having someone who is away from my family and my life and business, supporting, encouraging and pushing me and holding me accountable for my goals really helps me keep focused and drive my business forward. It also serves as a strong reminder that my life is for living and if I do not make time every day, every week, every month, RIGHT NOW, then my life will pass me by.

This is a big part of my coaching; supporting you and pushing you to achieve your goals and also reminding you that you need to be making time now for living your life. It’s so easy to plan for the future and then get there and realise you’ve missed out on so much along the way.

I also work with women who want to work on their own personal brand, so a brand coach is a whole lot of things depending on what you need and what stage of your journey you’re at.

Plus you can jump in at whatever level suits you because I have different coaching packages available to suit your wants, needs and budget.


Have some questions about brand and/or coaching? Get in touch!


Even better than a brand coach is having a brand coach AND an online community of other women also working on their own business branding – you can get this from the Brand Kitchen Club.


If you’d like to understand more about your own brand, whether you’ve been in business a while or you’re just starting up, then do take a look at 30 Days to Awesome Branding, it’s a 30 day online course that will set you off on the right course with your brand and give you firm foundations for building your successful business.
