Here are some interesting Google+ statistics and facts:
• Google+ has over 359 million active users across 31 markets which puts Google+ ahead of Twitter’s 200 million active users.
• 100 million new users have recently joined Google+ in 2013.
• 62% of Google+ users are males, 38% are females
• 33 percent of users of Google+ come from the US
• 73% of the users speak English
• More than 70% of the top brands across industries are active on Google+ including companies like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Cognizant, IBM and more.
• It is the second most popular social network website after Facebook
• Google+ users on an average spend around 12 minutes on the platform
• 60 percent users of Google+ use it daily.
• The owner of Facebook, Mark Zukerberg is also on Google+
• With a Google+ account you can enjoy unlimited photo storage.
• Through Google+ Hangout you can use Google Translate to make multi-language communication with people across the globe.
So, there is definitely a lot going on this platform. This ever-growing social networking site truly offers businesses tons of opportunities to interact and communicate with regular and potential customers.