Sophie Recommends


If you’re in business then marketing is an essential. I’ll be updating this page with marketing info and tips.


Some recommended reads – books I have read and found useful, inspiring and /or informative for my business and my life.

Wealth Dynamics

One of my favourite business mindset tools.

Web Domains and Hosting

Your website is one of the most important parts of your marketing mix. Ensure that you have the right domain name and also get your email set up to ensure a professional image.

Email Marketing and CRM

Keeping in touch with your clients and potential clients, otherwise known as that all important ‘list’ play a huge part in marketing your business, find out what options are available for you here.

Healthy Living

I have a big interest in healthy living and healthy lifestyle choices, find out more here.

Stock Photos and Imagery

Some suggestions for where to find images for your business.

Accounting and Bookkeeping

I often get asked what accountancy package I would recommend so here are a few suggestions.

Business, Admin and Productivity

Some of my favourite tools for business and productivity

N.B. Some of the links on this website are affiliates, some aren’t. I’m not going to make my millions from links but every penny helps and the more I get the more I can help people in so many ways. I only recommend things that I either use myself, have used or would genuinely recommend others use. You may like them, you may not – that’s life. Any links on this website are put there because I see a value in them towards helping you succeed in your business or have a more fulfilled life. Enjoy!