Well there is more to this answer than a simple magic fix-all 1-stop solution but one tool that does make life much easier when it comes to getting on top of your social media posts across a variety of networks is HootSuite.
I use HootSuite and I schedule in posts up to a few months in advance and it gives me peace of mind that I am getting relevant messages out, at the times that I want, without having to physically be there to do it day in, day out.
Now this doesn’t mean that I’m posting just sales pitch after sales pitch. The 80/20 rule comes in to play here; post around 80% conversational and informative posts to inform, inspire and engage your follower (i.e.. give them value!) and then you have 20% play for posting in things that you want to promote or sell that are more about generating income for you.
I’m also not just ignoring my accounts once the posts are scheduled. Remember it is social media and so the aim of the game is to get the conversation started. By carefully planning my posts for the coming weeks I can stop worrying about posting and focus on joining in the conversation and monitoring/managing my accounts.
The best way to get interaction is to get inside your Perfect Client’s head and know what floats their boat, what pouches their buttons and how to get them joining in the conversation.
The more you can connect with them personally, the more they will love you for it.
Hootsuite do offer a free version and their Pro account is just a low monthly fee and gives you a few extra features to your account.
I can also recommend the HootSuite University to really educate you how to use the software to your best advantage. It’s low cost and you can cancel at any time. I recommend you watch the videos as you will learn a lot in a short space of time! If you want to un-enroll at any time you can do so easily by following these simple steps.
Social media is there to be enjoyed so don’t stress too much about it all. I always think it’s better to do one social network really well than try and do 5 badly. Go where your Perfect Clients are and focus on making them happy and getting them interacting.
Also remember that ultimately, when you’re using social media for business, you are doing so as part of a strategy to get people buying from you and coming back for more. Social media can be a powerful tool when used correctly so reign in your splatter gun, start thinking strategy, get yourself a bit of an education and see how much easier it becomes and, very importantly, how much more effective for your business and your profits!
I’d love to hear your comments so do please join in the conversation below… What’s your favourite social network? Have you had some successes or failures that you can share? What do you find works best for you? By helping each other we help ourselves so do speak up and let me know your thoughts on all things social media 🙂
Want to sort out your social media for the year!? Then you NEED to see my Ultimate Social Media Planner – everything you need to do just that!