1. “Today I am building a business that will one day allow me to walk the beaches of the world!”
2. “I wake up everyday with smile because I know I have something to be thankful for.”
3. “I have meaningful relationships with the people that I love.”
4. “I keep taking one step at a time and celebrating each step.”
5. “I will listen to and trust my gut instincts. Negative outsiders will not affect my vision.”
6. “I feel good about the way I run my business. My business is growing at exactly the right pace.”
7. “It is important to me to count my blessings. I think about how many special people are in my life. They are all blessings to me and they add happiness to my life.”
8. “My thoughts are my reality so I think up a bright new day.”
9. “I am confident in all social situations and I like meeting new people.”
10. “I think of what I have and feel thankful for that. I work step by step everyday to gain what I want to achieve. My everyday is filled with love, positive emotions, and anticipation of miracles and wonderful achievements.”
11. “I understand my customers’ needs and I meet them. I understand my customers’ expectations and I exceed them!”
12. “The money that comes to me today is a pleasure to handle. I save some and spend some.” Louise Hay
13. “Because I am such a positive resource, people love to do business with me.”
14. “I am a serious career woman and I work hard to further my career.”
15. “My work leaves me stronger and happier at the end of the day.”
16. “Today my talents and my products combine to create a successful business!”
17. “I move forward in my life every day, even if it’s only a tiny step, because I know that great things are accomplished with tiny moves, but nothing is accomplished by standing still.”